Erwandern Sie die Westküste Lykiens! Zu Beginn erwartet Sie mit Patara einer der schönsten Strände der Türkei. Der 12 km lange Sandstrand ist, als Schutzgebiet für Meeresschildkröten und seltene Vögel, unverbaut und naturbelassen. Ihre Wanderungen führen Sie auf hoch über dem Meer verlaufenden Pfaden, die Ihnen traumhafte Ausblicke auf die Küste und die bis zu 3.000 m hohen Gipfel des Taurusgebirges bieten. Dramatisch zeigt sich die Steilküste bei Alınca, im Hinterland finden sich typische Kulturlandschaften. Pinienwälder, Olivenhaine und mediterrane Macchia säumen die Wege. Sie wandern über antike Aquädukte und kommen mit den Ruinen von Patara und Xanthos zu bedeutenden Zeugnissen der Lykier.


Experts at work
Ultimate Flexibility
Planning ot the tours by our experienced team with many years of experience nationwide. We plan, you hike! More than 15 tour operators and more than 1,000 guests trust and travel with us every year.
We are flexible. Even if the trip has already been booked and started. We are there for you even if there are last-minute changes or assignments - we are always available for you whenever you need us!
Sustainable travel protects our planet. We take part in this and let you take part too. It is important to us that while we earn, others can also take part.
Caria Pan Travel was founded in 2012, but this does not reflect our extensive experience. The expertise of our core team, led by Yüksel Yilmaz, dates back to 1998. Since 1998, we have been recognized as co-developers of nature tourism in Turkey. Thanks to our experience and our team, we are now one of the leading travel companies in Turkey in the field of nature tourism. Numerous tour operators prefer to collaborate with us.
For us, the quality of a nature trip consists of the following characteristics:
a.) Good logistics planning
b.) Selection of the most beautiful routes
c.) Good tour guides
d.) Cozy accommodations with good catering
Safety and sustainability are important to us!
The selection of the most beautiful but also safe hiking trails
Maintenance of our vehicles
Family-run accommodations
Responsible mountain guides who can make decisions on their own initiative
Maintenance of the hiking trails (markings, possibly clearing)
Creation and maintenance of a good road book (for the individual area) by hiking scouts with many years of experience
Support of social projects
Communication before and after booking
Accessibility during individual tours through the emergency number (if you get lost, three emergency numbers are available to help you)
"Our" Tours
Our tours are not "copy-paste tours." We do not offer tours from other travel operators or agencies. All travel programs we offer are created and developed by our company.