Erwandern Sie die Westküste Lykiens! Zu Beginn erwartet Sie mit Patara einer der schönsten Strände der Türkei. Der 12 km lange Sandstrand ist, als Schutzgebiet für Meeresschildkröten und seltene Vögel, unverbaut und naturbelassen. Ihre Wanderungen führen Sie auf hoch über dem Meer verlaufenden Pfaden, die Ihnen traumhafte Ausblicke auf die Küste und die bis zu 3.000 m hohen Gipfel des Taurusgebirges bieten. Dramatisch zeigt sich die Steilküste bei Alınca, im Hinterland finden sich typische Kulturlandschaften. Pinienwälder, Olivenhaine und mediterrane Macchia säumen die Wege. Sie wandern über antike Aquädukte und kommen mit den Ruinen von Patara und Xanthos zu bedeutenden Zeugnissen der Lykier.
The Lycian Way is a long-distance trail well known beyond the borders of Turkey, which combines Roman trade routes, old donkey paths in the mountains, and cultural sights. The total length is about 510 kilometers along the coast and leads through high mountains and wild ravines past quaint villages. Again and again, the path leads into lovely sea bays, which invite you to relax and swim. We start near Finike in the Southern Taurus and explore in five days of cycling partly very different regions along the long-distance trail.
This stylish, unique tour is characterized by lovely natural landscapes, beautiful beaches, culinary delights, and loving people and pleases every biker's heart.
1st day: Flight to Antalya
Upon arrival, we will travel by bus along with the Lycian mountain range to the south in the
Region of Finike-Kumluca. (2, 5 hours)
2nd - 3rd day: Great views and endless descents
We follow ancient paths that take us to the quaint mining village, where we catch fresh brown trout for lunch. Afterward, we will climb a pass with a plateau characterized by sheep breeding. An almost endless descent with great views brings us to our hotel. The next day we enjoy a downhill, that takes us down to a mosque on forest trails and nature trails into the green deciduous forests.
Day 4: Rest day in Cirali
The possibilities are the sightseeing of Olympos, leisurely walks on the beach, relaxing bathing in the sea, or we can climb Chimaira "the burning mountain" of Cirali.
5th - 7th day: mountain villages and fragrant pine groves
We cycle uphill to the village Ulupinar, where we branch off into a dirt road. Hundreds of fast turns and serpentines take us to a ravine of wilderness romance. In the lower part of the valley flattens, and we arrive beach which is not accessible to cars. After refreshment in the sea, we continue along the coast. Uphill, downhill through fragrant pine groves.
The next bike section leads us back up into the mountains. Along the way, we discover one old but still intact Roman bridge. On the last day of the bike, we reach the highest point of our tour through wide pine forests. But then it goes downhill - nature trails and tarred roads bring us down to a plane in front of Antalya.
Day 8: Return flight Antalya ----> home
On request flights to Antalya and back home
All necessary transfers
7 nights overnight in mid-class hotels or pensions in nearly the same quality
Transportation of bikes
Luggage transport
English speaking MTB guide of our company
All additional meals and beverages
Personal expenses, entrance fees
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The required minimum number of person for this tour is 8 and its limited with 12 person
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